Friday, March 14, 2008

4 month check up

Sean had his 4 month well baby check up today...though he’s 4 1/2 months now. Everything went great! He’s now 13 lbs 4 oz and 24 in long. The doctor said, "Has he rolled to one side yet?" I said, "He rolls both ways" She gave me a surprised look. The she asked, "If you hold him above your lap, will he put weight on his legs?" I said, "He can stand by himself holding onto something." She gave me another surprised look. lol She says he has very strong back muscles and predicts he’ll be sitting by himself between 5-6 months. She loved his cloth diapers. She loved the froggy diaper cover and was impressed by the snappy...she cloth diapered her kids and they weren’t out when she had them. We talked about starting solids. As I already know, there’s no rush to start them anytime soon but I was asking her about making my own baby food. She also did that for her kids and she gave me a few tips. She said there’s no reason to start with cereal, veggies or fruit first. I can start with either. She said it doesn’t make a difference and that people just try to make it harder than it has to be. lol There’s isn’t even reason for him to have rice cereal...he can have oatmeal or no kind of cereal at all. I’m thinking about starting him on bananas first. Then he got his shots... He cried much more this time but it only lasted until I fed him. Then he was smiling and cooing at everyone and was sound asleep as soon as I got him in the car. Well...2 more months till we have to do this again...

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